Charlevoix County was formed in the year 1869 and it covers an area of 1,390.76 sq mi. More than 26K people with ethnic racial makeup including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others reside in this region and the region is home to more than 10K households and 7.3K families. Its county seat is Charlevoix and largest city is Boyne City. The area took its name from Pierre François Xavier de Charlevoix.
Reliable and relevant clues are the basic prerequisites for any kind of genealogical research. Unlike other repositories, this Charlevoix County index is dedicated to disseminate genuine and authenticated data and information regarding ancestral SSN, civil war particulars, civil court facts, death news, census, military service, property deeds, probates separation decree information, origin and marital particulars, naturalization trivia and added details. Here, you start your research and get maximum clues within a few clicks on the mouse.